Jason Munro - Creator of The Munro Method, a sustainable weight loss program

If you’re sick of wasting £1000’s and years chasing your weight up and down, it’s time to discover The Munro Method: A Sustainable Weight Loss Program.

You’ve invested far too much time, effort, money, and tears in weight loss efforts that didn’t last. Now, discover how you can truly achieve lasting results through a Sustainable Weight Loss Program and embrace a life free from yo-yo dieting.

If you’re sick of wasting £1000’s and years chasing your weight up and down, it’s time to discover The Munro Method: A Sustainable Weight Loss Program.

You’ve invested far too much time, effort, money, and tears in weight loss efforts that didn’t last. Now, discover how you can truly achieve lasting results through a Sustainable Weight Loss Program and embrace a life free from yo-yo dieting.

Struggling to Find a Sustainable Weight Loss Program? The Munro Method Is Here to Help

In fact, almost everyone who comes to work with me shares this struggle. They often tell me about their extensive diet history spanning 10, 20, 30, or even 40+ years.

“You name it, I’ve tried it,” they say…

Here’s the cold, hard truth you must hear if you want to stop dieting forever.

You have not tried everything… You have tried the same thing over and over again:

  • Different names…
  • Different branding…
  • Different plans…
  • Different cost…
  • SAME approach


Here’s how they all work:

  1. You stop following your “normal” diet (the one that took your weight to a place you didn’t want it to be).
  2. You replace it with your new “plan” and the list of rules and approved foods it encourages.
  3. You commit, following the plan just long enough to reach your target—or nearly.


But here’s the twist…

These plans thrive on your return business. They’re designed for failure, not success. They leave out crucial, real-world tactics because their profit depends on you gaining back every pound—and then some.

Exhausted and disillusioned, you try to go it alone. Maintaining your weight becomes a daily battle, forcing yourself to stick to the restrictive #OnPlan guidelines. Eventually, you relent, reverting to the same habits that caused the weight gain initially. It’s a relentless cycle.

You gradually regain the weight you lose and, potentially, more.

You start researching new diets, and the cycle starts all over again.

Rinse and repeat for most of your adult life.

Sound familiar?

You, my friend, are no different from the 14,000+ men and women I’ve been using The Munro Method to help since 2018.

Like these guys…

Struggling to Find a Sustainable Weight Loss Program? The Munro Method Is Here to Help

In fact, almost everyone who comes to work with me shares this struggle. They often tell me about their extensive diet history spanning 10, 20, 30, or even 40+ years.

“You name it, I’ve tried it,” they say…

Here’s the cold, hard truth you must hear if you want to stop dieting forever.

You have not tried everything… You have tried the same thing over and over again:

  • Different names…
  • Different branding…
  • Different plans…
  • Different cost…
  • SAME approach

Here’s how they all work:

  1. You stop following your “normal” diet (the one that took your weight to a place you didn’t want it to be).
  2. You replace it with your new “plan” and the list of rules and approved foods it encourages.
  3. You commit, following the plan just long enough to reach your target—or nearly.

But here’s the twist…

These plans thrive on your return business. They’re designed for failure, not success. They leave out crucial, real-world tactics because their profit depends on you gaining back every pound—and then some.

Exhausted and disillusioned, you try to go it alone. Maintaining your weight becomes a daily battle, forcing yourself to stick to the restrictive #OnPlan guidelines. Eventually, you relent, reverting to the same habits that caused the weight gain initially. It’s a relentless cycle.

You gradually regain the weight you lose and, potentially, more.

You start researching new diets, and the cycle starts all over again.

Rinse and repeat for most of your adult life.

Sound familiar?

You, my friend, are no different from the 14,000+ men and women I’ve been using The Munro Method to help since 2018.

Like these guys…

Marnie lost 7 stone with The Munro Method's sustainable weight loss program

Marnie Found Sustainable Weight Loss with The Munro Method

A busy working mum of 4, Marnie initially lost three stone during her first attempt at Slimming World. But she couldn’t maintain the weight loss without the plan and regained the weight and more after leaving SW.

Her 9-year battle included leaving and rejoining Slimming World up to five times each year, trying to return to a lower weight.

In 2019, she discovered The Munro Method, and by 2020, she had lost over seven stone (101 lbs) thanks to the Sustainable Weight Loss Program principles.

The best part? Marnie maintains her weight using the core principles she learned through The Munro Method. Her journey was featured in the National Press and The Mirror.

Marnie Found Sustainable Weight Loss with The Munro Method

A busy working mum of 4, Marnie initially lost three stone during her first attempt at Slimming World. But she couldn’t maintain the weight loss without the plan and regained the weight and more after leaving SW.

Her 9-year battle included leaving and rejoining Slimming World up to five times each year, trying to return to a lower weight.

In 2019, she discovered The Munro Method, and by 2020, she had lost over seven stone (101 lbs) thanks to the Sustainable Weight Loss Program principles.

The best part? Marnie maintains her weight using the core principles she learned through The Munro Method. Her journey was featured in the National Press and The Mirror.

Jade achieved sustainable weight loss and gained confidence through The Munro Method

Jade Found Confidence with The Munro Method’s Sustainable Weight Loss Program

Jade worked with me inside The Munro Method for six months in 2019.

In July 2023, Jade sent a photo to express her gratitude for the transformation she achieved. Previously, she dreaded holiday seasons because trying on bikinis filled her with anxiety.

Now, four years after working with me, she’s brimming with excitement as she packs her holiday wardrobe. The profound change from dread to delight is thanks to the sustainable principles she learned through The Munro Method’s Sustainable Weight Loss Program. Jade lost 45 lbs.

Jade Found Confidence with The Munro Method’s Sustainable Weight Loss Program

Jade worked with me inside The Munro Method for six months in 2019.

In July 2023, Jade sent a photo to express her gratitude for the transformation she achieved. Previously, she dreaded holiday seasons because trying on bikinis filled her with anxiety.

Now, four years after working with me, she’s brimming with excitement as she packs her holiday wardrobe. The profound change from dread to delight is thanks to the sustainable principles she learned through The Munro Method’s Sustainable Weight Loss Program. Jade lost 45 lbs.

ndy lost 93 lbs with The Munro Method's sustainable weight loss program

Andy Lost 93 lbs with a Sustainable Weight Loss Program

Andy worked with me inside The Munro Method for exactly 12 months from 1st June 2019 to 1st June 2020.

Andy worked off-shore and dreaded his annual survival course refresher and medicals, often crash-dieting before each medical, only to gain the weight back afterward.

Today, Andy still lives life at maintenance and passes his courses and medicals with ease. His remarkable transformation caught the attention of the press and was featured in The Courier, highlighting his journey to a healthier life for his son. All thanks to the principles he learned through The Munro Method.

Andy Lost 93 lbs with a Sustainable Weight Loss Program

Andy worked with me inside The Munro Method for exactly 12 months from 1st June 2019 to 1st June 2020.

Andy worked off-shore and dreaded his annual survival course refresher and medicals, often crash-dieting before each medical, only to gain the weight back afterward.

Today, Andy still lives life at maintenance and passes his courses and medicals with ease. His remarkable transformation caught the attention of the press and was featured in The Courier, highlighting his journey to a healthier life for his son. All thanks to the principles he learned through The Munro Method.

Nikki found food freedom and sustainable weight loss through The Munro Method

Nikki Found Food Freedom and Sustainable Weight Loss with The Munro Method

Nikki is one of the most consistent people I have ever worked with and someone I now call a friend.

She was once a WW magazine cover star, promoted as a “success” story before regaining all the weight she lost and more.

After WW, Nikki fell into the one:one diet, developing disordered eating patterns dominated by low-calorie shakes.

A huge part of her journey with us was resolving these disordered eating issues and retraining her mind to think about REAL food.

Thanks to the principles she learned through The Munro Method, Nikki has not only regained control over her diet but also her life, proving that sustainable weight loss comes from understanding and proper guidance.

Nikki Found Food Freedom and Sustainable Weight Loss with The Munro Method

Nikki is one of the most consistent people I have ever worked with and someone I now call a friend.

She was once a WW magazine cover star, promoted as a “success” story before regaining all the weight she lost and more.

After WW, Nikki fell into the one:one diet, developing disordered eating patterns dominated by low-calorie shakes.

A huge part of her journey with us was resolving these disordered eating issues and retraining her mind to think about REAL food.

Thanks to the principles she learned through The Munro Method, Nikki has not only regained control over her diet but also her life, proving that sustainable weight loss comes from understanding and proper guidance.

Ready to Join a Sustainable Weight Loss Program?

Discover the last weight loss program you’ll ever need. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results—let’s get you to your goals!

Ready to Join a Sustainable Weight Loss Program?

Discover the last weight loss program you’ll ever need. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results—let’s get you to your goals!

Meet Jason Munro: Nutritionist and Creator of The Munro Method, a Sustainable Weight Loss Program

My name is Jason Munro. As a seasoned Nutritionist from Falkirk, in Central Scotland, my journey into the world of nutrition was deeply personal.

Like many of you, I spent years caught in a relentless battle with my weight, a struggle magnified by watching my mum’s two-decade fight with yo-yo dieting. It wasn’t just a fight; it was an ordeal that left me with a legacy of disordered eating habits and thoughts.

The turning point came in 2017, when I finally cracked the code. Since then, I haven’t just kept my weight off—I’ve thrived. Driven by my own transformation, in January 2018, I created The Munro Method. It’s not a diet plan; it’s a blueprint—a blueprint to lasting health, confidence, and freedom from dieting.

I’m here to guide you on your journey. Are you ready to redefine your life with The Munro Method?

Meet Jason Munro: Nutritionist and Creator of The Munro Method, a Sustainable Weight Loss Program

My name is Jason Munro. As a seasoned Nutritionist from Falkirk, in Central Scotland, my journey into the world of nutrition was deeply personal.

Like many of you, I spent years caught in a relentless battle with my weight, a struggle magnified by watching my mum’s two-decade fight with yo-yo dieting. It wasn’t just a fight; it was an ordeal that left me with a legacy of disordered eating habits and thoughts.

The turning point came in 2017, when I finally cracked the code. Since then, I haven’t just kept my weight off—I’ve thrived. Driven by my own transformation, in January 2018, I created The Munro Method. It’s not a diet plan; it’s a blueprint—a blueprint to lasting health, confidence, and freedom from dieting.

I’m here to guide you on your journey. Are you ready to redefine your life with The Munro Method?

Is The Munro Method Right for You?

Have you ever felt like you’re on a never-ending treadmill, constantly battling your weight but never reaching a lasting solution?

Many join The Munro Method after endless cycles of traditional diets. They’ve chased temporary successes—scale victories that vanish as quickly as they appear. Does this sound all too familiar?

Here’s the unvarnished truth: Your struggle isn’t just about weight. It’s about underlying problems that no crash diet can fix.

The Munro Method isn’t another quick fix. It’s a comprehensive approach designed to tackle the real issues behind your weight challenges. We address everything from nutritional habits to emotional triggers, ensuring sustainable change.

With us, you’ll not only achieve your weight goals but also understand and correct the deep-seated behaviors that have held you back. Imagine a life where food is joy, not guilt, and where you are in complete control of your body.

If you’re ready for a real change, it’s time to consider The Munro Method. This isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about finding a new way to live.

Is The Munro Method Right for You?

Have you ever felt like you’re on a never-ending treadmill, constantly battling your weight but never reaching a lasting solution?

Many join The Munro Method after endless cycles of traditional diets. They’ve chased temporary successes—scale victories that vanish as quickly as they appear. Does this sound all too familiar?

Here’s the unvarnished truth: Your struggle isn’t just about weight. It’s about underlying problems that no crash diet can fix.

The Munro Method isn’t another quick fix. It’s a comprehensive approach designed to tackle the real issues behind your weight challenges. We address everything from nutritional habits to emotional triggers, ensuring sustainable change.

With us, you’ll not only achieve your weight goals but also understand and correct the deep-seated behaviors that have held you back. Imagine a life where food is joy, not guilt, and where you are in complete control of your body.

If you’re ready for a real change, it’s time to consider The Munro Method. This isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about finding a new way to live.

How Does a Sustainable Weight Loss Program Work?

Unlock the step-by-step journey with The Munro Method, meticulously crafted for lasting weight loss success.

How Does a Sustainable Weight Loss Program Work?

Unlock the step-by-step journey with The Munro Method, meticulously crafted for lasting weight loss success.

Clan Munro - A community focused on sustainable weight loss through The Munro Method

Join the Clan

The backbone of any successful weight loss journey is support. Discover this essential element with Clan Munro, where every member is both student and teacher, learning, inspiring, and guiding each other towards mutual success.

Join the Clan

The backbone of any successful weight loss journey is support. Discover this essential element with Clan Munro, where every member is both student and teacher, learning, inspiring, and guiding each other towards mutual success.

Clan Munro - A community focused on sustainable weight loss through The Munro Method

Start with Ease

Begin your transformation with our 14-day introductory course. No overwhelming manuals—just engaging, bite-sized lessons delivered daily to motivate and educate without overwhelming you.

Start with Ease

Begin your transformation with our 14-day introductory course. No overwhelming manuals—just engaging, bite-sized lessons delivered daily to motivate and educate without overwhelming you.

Clan Munro - A community focused on sustainable weight loss through The Munro Method

Personalized Accountability & Feedback

Enhance your journey with one-on-one support from your dedicated Nutritionist. Get tailored feedback through personalized pre-recorded video responses—designed to make nutritional concepts clear and easy to understand.

Personalized Accountability & Feedback

Enhance your journey with one-on-one support from your dedicated Nutritionist. Get tailored feedback through personalized pre-recorded video responses—designed to make nutritional concepts clear and easy to understand.

Clan Munro - A community focused on sustainable weight loss through The Munro Method

Personalized Accountability & Feedback

Enhance your journey with one-on-one support from your dedicated Nutritionist. Get tailored feedback through personalized pre-recorded video responses—designed to make nutritional concepts clear and easy to understand.

Ongoing Support

Our Nutritionists are available every day, Monday to Friday. Reach out anytime for motivation, inspiration, and guidance. With Clan Munro, you have a Nutritionist at your fingertips, ready to assist you in navigating your health journey.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

With The Munro Method, you’re not just losing weight—you’re gaining a lifestyle where you’re in full control. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and embrace lasting health with support from qualified nutritionists. Imagine achieving your health goals with us guiding you every step of the way.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

With The Munro Method, you’re not just losing weight—you’re gaining a lifestyle where you’re in full control. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and embrace lasting health with support from qualified nutritionists. Imagine achieving your health goals with us guiding you every step of the way.

How much does it cost?

It’s the wrong question…

Asking about cost keeps you returning to “cheap and (not-so) cheerful” options. Are you tired of wasting money on cheap, ineffective diet plans that leave you right back where you started?

£5.95 per week might be cheap, but is it efficient?

Run the numbers…

Six months at £5.95 per week = £154.70. Add magazines, recipe books, branded meals/bars, travel expenses, childcare, special ‘diet’ foods, gym membership, and new clothes for weight fluctuations… we’ll call it £300.

If that were the end of the story, £300 to achieve your weight loss dreams isn’t bad.

But for 87% of people, this isn’t the end of the story; it’s only the beginning.

These plans are designed to keep you coming back. They bank on your failure, knowing you’ll return ready to spend more on the next ‘miracle’ solution. They don’t teach you anything for real-world success. They convince you that your success depends on their plan.

Ten years and £3000 later, you’re heavier than when you first started dieting.

Consider the time and effort involved in travelling to meetings, turning down social occasions to stay “on plan”. Imagine eating a pre-portioned ‘diet’ meal at a family dinner while everyone else enjoys the food and laughter. Or declining an invitation to your best friend’s birthday dinner because it doesn’t fit your plan. This is no way to live.

The Munro Method is the antidote to the yo-yo diet industry. It’s not just about reaching your goal weight; it’s about giving you the tools, knowledge, and skills to stay there—for good. No more fad diets, no more feeling like a failure. Just sustainable, life-changing results.

Success means taking you to your goal and ensuring you have all the tools, knowledge, and skills to stay there on your own.

This is where efficiency is more important than cost.

You can keep paying £300 a year to lose and gain the same weight every year.

Or you can work with someone who wants to show you how to reach your target and stay there.

Imagine breaking free from the dieting cycle, learning to nourish your body without guilt or restriction, and having the confidence to enjoy meals with your family and friends. That’s the power of The Munro Method.

So, you have a choice. You can keep throwing money at temporary solutions, or you can invest in yourself and your future with a proven method designed for lasting success. The decision is yours.

Nutritionists typically charge a minimum of £100 per hour for their time; at Munro, we charge MUCH LESS for unlimited access to our Nutritionists.

By coaching you individually in a supportive, group setting online, we can charge much less than a 1-hour session with an in-person Nutritionist. Most people pay £24-£30 per month to attend Slimming Groups run by consultants using before & after photos as qualifications.

How much does it cost?

It’s the wrong question…

Asking about cost keeps you returning to “cheap and (not-so) cheerful” options. Are you tired of wasting money on cheap, ineffective diet plans that leave you right back where you started?

£5.95 per week might be cheap, but is it efficient?

Run the numbers…

Six months at £5.95 per week = £154.70. Add magazines, recipe books, branded meals/bars, travel expenses, childcare, special ‘diet’ foods, gym membership, and new clothes for weight fluctuations… we’ll call it £300.

If that were the end of the story, £300 to achieve your weight loss dreams isn’t bad.

But for 87% of people, this isn’t the end of the story; it’s only the beginning.

These plans are designed to keep you coming back. They bank on your failure, knowing you’ll return ready to spend more on the next ‘miracle’ solution. They don’t teach you anything for real-world success. They convince you that your success depends on their plan.

Ten years and £3000 later, you’re heavier than when you first started dieting.

Consider the time and effort involved in travelling to meetings, turning down social occasions to stay “on plan”. Imagine eating a pre-portioned ‘diet’ meal at a family dinner while everyone else enjoys the food and laughter. Or declining an invitation to your best friend’s birthday dinner because it doesn’t fit your plan. This is no way to live.

The Munro Method is the antidote to the yo-yo diet industry. It’s not just about reaching your goal weight; it’s about giving you the tools, knowledge, and skills to stay there—for good. No more fad diets, no more feeling like a failure. Just sustainable, life-changing results.

Success means taking you to your goal and ensuring you have all the tools, knowledge, and skills to stay there on your own.

This is where efficiency is more important than cost.

You can keep paying £300 a year to lose and gain the same weight every year.

Or you can work with someone who wants to show you how to reach your target and stay there.

Imagine breaking free from the dieting cycle, learning to nourish your body without guilt or restriction, and having the confidence to enjoy meals with your family and friends. That’s the power of The Munro Method.

So, you have a choice. You can keep throwing money at temporary solutions, or you can invest in yourself and your future with a proven method designed for lasting success. The decision is yours.

Nutritionists typically charge a minimum of £100 per hour for their time; at Munro, we charge MUCH LESS for unlimited access to our Nutritionists.

By coaching you individually in a supportive, group setting online, we can charge much less than a 1-hour session with an in-person Nutritionist. Most people pay £24-£30 per month to attend Slimming Groups run by consultants using before & after photos as qualifications.

Before we go any further, there’s something you need to know about us…

The diet industry welcomes you back multiple times a year, with flyers and messages telling you how much they “miss you at group”. Is it any wonder you’re trapped in a never-ending diet cycle?

These plans let you focus on your health and weight for a few weeks or months before returning to “normal” and undoing your hard work.

Our Unique Cancellation No-Return Policy

You can cancel and leave anytime, no questions asked. We don’t tie you with a contract. Our members stay because they want to, but…

Once you leave, you can’t come back. Not right away, at least.

After canceling, you’ll enter a 6-month cooldown period during which you can’t rejoin.

Why? Because Munro is a no yo-yo diet zone. It’s not just another diet you can dip in and out of multiple times a year…

The Munro Method is unlike anything you’ve done before. It won’t work if you dip in and out for a month at a time. Your decades of dieting experiences and accumulated “knowledge” won’t be undone in just a few weeks…

It’s going to take time.

My job is to ensure that, when you leave us, you have all the tools, knowledge, and skills to succeed on your own, so you don’t need to come back. Which is why I created this policy.

I put this policy in place so you can’t treat Munro as just another diet to add to your lengthy dieting history. Many people will close this window and find something less ‘serious’.

And that’s ok. They’re not ready to work with us… yet. They need a few more years of yo-yo dieting before realizing these plans can’t help them reach their goals.

For those nodding along, realizing this is exactly what you need, you are who we want to work with.

So let’s find out the cost…

Before we go any further, there’s something you need to know about us…

The diet industry welcomes you back multiple times a year, with flyers and messages telling you how much they “miss you at group”. Is it any wonder you’re trapped in a never-ending diet cycle?

These plans let you focus on your health and weight for a few weeks or months before returning to “normal” and undoing your hard work.

Our Unique Cancellation No-Return Policy

You can cancel and leave anytime, no questions asked. We don’t tie you with a contract. Our members stay because they want to, but…

Once you leave, you can’t come back. Not right away, at least.

After canceling, you’ll enter a 6-month cooldown period during which you can’t rejoin.

Why? Because Munro is a no yo-yo diet zone. It’s not just another diet you can dip in and out of multiple times a year…

The Munro Method is unlike anything you’ve done before. It won’t work if you dip in and out for a month at a time. Your decades of dieting experiences and accumulated “knowledge” won’t be undone in just a few weeks…

It’s going to take time.

My job is to ensure that, when you leave us, you have all the tools, knowledge, and skills to succeed on your own, so you don’t need to come back. Which is why I created this policy.

I put this policy in place so you can’t treat Munro as just another diet to add to your lengthy dieting history. Many people will close this window and find something less ‘serious’.

And that’s ok. They’re not ready to work with us… yet. They need a few more years of yo-yo dieting before realizing these plans can’t help them reach their goals.

For those nodding along, realizing this is exactly what you need, you are who we want to work with.

So let’s find out the cost…

Experience The Munro Method Risk-Free with Our 15-Day Trial

At Munro, we believe in making expert guidance accessible to everyone. That’s why we’ve created a unique, risk-free way for you to experience the full power of The Munro Method before making any long-term commitments.

How Our 15-Day Trial Works

For just £15, you’ll have full access to The Munro Method for 15 days. During this time, you’ll enjoy:

  • Your personalized nutrition plan
  • Two check-ins with our expert coaches
  • Navigation of the entire Munro Method process
  • Full access to our community as if you were a fully paying member

Here’s the best part: you won’t be setting up any subscriptions or making any long-term commitments. After your 15-day trial, you’ll have the opportunity to decide if you want to continue with The Munro Method.

If you love your experience and want to keep going, simply sign up for our monthly membership at just £48 per month. Plus, you can save even more by committing to a longer period of 3, 6, or 12 months. If you decide it’s not for you, do nothing at all – your trial will end automatically, and you won’t be charged another penny.

There’s no risk, no hassle, and no obligations. Just £15 to experience the transformative power of our program and decide if it’s right for you.

So why wait?

Invest in yourself and your health today. Start your 15-day trial now for only £15 and discover the life-changing impact of The Munro Method. If you love it, continue your journey with our affordable monthly membership or save even more with a longer commitment.

Experience The Munro Method Risk-Free with Our 15-Day Trial

At Munro, we believe in making expert guidance accessible to everyone. That’s why we’ve created a unique, risk-free way for you to experience the full power of The Munro Method before making any long-term commitments.

How Our 15-Day Trial Works

For just £15, you’ll have full access to The Munro Method for 15 days. During this time, you’ll enjoy:

  • Your personalized nutrition plan
  • Two check-ins with our expert coaches
  • Navigation of the entire Munro Method process
  • Full access to our community as if you were a fully paying member


Here’s the best part: you won’t be setting up any subscriptions or making any long-term commitments. After your 15-day trial, you’ll have the opportunity to decide if you want to continue with The Munro Method.

If you love your experience and want to keep going, simply sign up for our monthly membership at just £48 per month. Plus, you can save even more by committing to a longer period of 3, 6, or 12 months. If you decide it’s not for you, do nothing at all – your trial will end automatically, and you won’t be charged another penny.

There’s no risk, no hassle, and no obligations. Just £15 to experience the transformative power of our program and decide if it’s right for you.

So why wait?

Invest in yourself and your health today. Start your 15-day trial now for only £15 and discover the life-changing impact of The Munro Method. If you love it, continue your journey with our affordable monthly membership or save even more with a longer commitment.

Experience The Munro Method

Stat your 15-day trial for just £15
£ 15 for 15 days
  • Full access to the entire Munro Method process
  • Two Check-ins at day's 7 & 14
  • Personalised nutrition plan tailored to your goals
  • Bi-weekly check-ins with expert coaches for guidance and support
  • Engage with our supportive community as a member
  • In-depth analysis of your diet and mindset
  • Continuous progress tracking and adjustments
  • Exclusive access to challenges and prize giveaways
  • No long-term commitments or contracts

Why should you join right now?

Every day you spend trying to change your weight is a day of your life you’ll never get back.

No matter how much the scales come down, if they’re not coming down the RIGHT way, the weight you lose is all but guaranteed to go back on again.

The Munro Method is not a diet plan.

Yes, you will lose weight… But, it’s going to happen as a by-product of the process.

A process designed to help you uncover the hidden reasons behind why your weight keeps going to a place where you don’t want it to be.

As we work to resolve these issues, we gradually transform you into the person you need to become to maintain your new, lower weight once you reach that goal.

I’m giving away all my secrets here, but this is THE pathway to losing weight for the last time.

Why should you join right now?

Every day you spend trying to change your weight is a day of your life you’ll never get back. No matter how much the scales come down, if they’re not coming down the RIGHT way, the weight you lose is all but guaranteed to go back on again.

The Munro Method is not a diet plan.

Yes, you will lose weight… But, it’s going to happen as a by-product of the process. A process designed to help you uncover the hidden reasons behind why your weight keeps going to a place where you don’t want it to be. And as we work to resolve each of these things, we gradually transform you into the person you need to become to maintain your new, lower weight once you reach that goal. I’m giving away all my secrets here, but this is THE pathway to losing weight for the last time.

Still Not Sure?

We’ve designed a quick, 12-question quiz to help determine whether the Munro Method is right for you. As you progress, there are five crucial points where you’ll exit if it seems our program isn’t the best fit for your needs.

This isn’t just about joining another program—it’s about finding a solution that genuinely aligns with your personal health journey. Our quiz is straightforward and will provide you with instant feedback on your compatibility with our method.

Ready to find out if the Munro Method is for you? Take the quiz now and make an informed decision about your health and wellness journey.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Still Not Sure?

We’ve designed a quick, 12-question quiz to help determine whether the Munro Method is right for you. As you progress, there are five crucial points where you’ll exit if it seems our program isn’t the best fit for your needs.

This isn’t just about joining another program—it’s about finding a solution that genuinely aligns with your personal health journey. Our quiz is straightforward and will provide you with instant feedback on your compatibility with our method.

Ready to find out if the Munro Method is for you? Take the quiz now and make an informed decision about your health and wellness journey.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn’t here, drop us an email at enquiries@munronutrition.com

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn’t here, drop us an email at enquiries@munronutrition.com

The monthly membership to work with, and have access to, fully qualified nutritionists is ONLY £48 per month. And you can actually take that down as low as £39 per month by committing to working with us over a longer term and paying it up front!

Yes! We have a dedicated app available on IOS, Android, and desktop platforms. Our app offers a seamless experience for accessing our resources, tracking progress, and engaging with our community. Download it now to take your nutrition journey to the next level!

No, access to social media is not required or necessary to be able to work with us. All you need is our dedicated app to access our community, our resources and the areas where you’ll complete your check-ins with us. 

Good! We don’t expect you to understand them or know too much about them because it’s likely that what you’ve heard so far has been poor or unhelpful information. We will hold your hand and walk you through every step of our process, supporting, guiding, and encouraging you along the way.

Absolutely. Regardless of your dietary lifestyle choices, our bodies all have the same needs. Vegetarianism and veganism are tricky to get right, and it’s crucial that the essential nutrition you lose from removing meat/animal products from your diet is replaced with alternatives. We can help with that.

Yes! Due to your unique circumstances, we approach things a little differently. You can diet on a higher level of calories than usual due to the increased energy demands that go along with producing and maintaining a healthy milk supply.

Yes! What better time to start taking better care of yourself than when your body is growing a little life inside? It’s important to understand that weight loss will not be your goal or something we would support you with during this time. Our focus would be on weight management and maintaining a healthy weight throughout pregnancy teo help reduce the risk of complications. 

We have some fantastic guidance inside our coaching platforms on this and an expert guest live talk on the topic, which will likely give you more information and advice than you’ve ever had from a dietitian or GP.

If your Thyroid is medicated, then you are essentially replacing what it is you are missing. You can lose weight the same as anyone with a fully functioning thyroid gland. Your apparent inability to lose weight probably has more to do with your approach than your medicated TH issue, but we’ll take time to identify and work on that with you.

PCOS does not stop you from losing weight but can make it a little more tricky. It’s nothing that can’t be overcome, particularly with our approach. We have had incredible success over the last few years with PCOS clients and have expert live chats and support on the topic inside our coaching platforms.

No, private coaching with a qualified Nutritionist costs upwards of £250+ per month. Due to our group-coaching format, we can deliver a 1:1 experience for a fraction of the cost. Rest assured that you will be coached individually, and your experience will be tailored to you and your needs. It may feel similar to what you might have experienced at SW or WW in terms of the community element, but you’ll be working with fully qualified Nutritionists. Not unqualified consultants with before & after photos. 🙄

If you have access to a smartphone or tablet, you have everything you need to get started.

Ready to Start?

It’s time to get a qualified Nutritionist in your pocket and at your fingertips so you can finally lose weight for the last time and live a life FREE from dieting.

Ready to Start?

It’s time to get a qualified Nutritionist in your pocket and at your fingertips so you can finally lose weight for the last time and live a life FREE from dieting.